Oil Painting Catalog |
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence |
Bierstadt, Albert |
Bouguereau, William |
Canaletto |
Cassatt, Mary |
Cézanne, Paul |
JL |
Degas, Edgar |
Gauguin, Paul |
Godward, John W. |
Klimt, Gustav |
Edmund Blair |
Leighton, Lord Frederic |
Manet, Edouard |
Monet, Claude |
Moran, Thomas |
Pissarro, Camille |
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste |
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel |
Russell, Charles M. |
Sargent, John Singer |
Sisley, Alfred |
Toulouse-Lautrec, H |
Van Gogh, Vincent |
Vermeer, Johannes |
Waterhouse, John W |
Winterhalter, Franz Xavier |
Popular Selections |
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Artists Last name: A-C
Artist: Adolphe William Bouguereau |
Painting Name |
William Bouguereau |
Maternal Admiration, 1869 (Admiration Maternelle) |
William Bouguereau |
Naissance de Venus (The Birth of Venus) |
William Bouguereau |
A la fontaine, Translated title: At the Fountain. 1897 |
William Bouguereau |
A Portrait of Amelina Dufaud Bouguereau, 1850 |
William Bouguereau |
A Portrait of Eugene Bouguereau, 1850 |
William Bouguereau |
A Portrait of Genevieve Bouguereau, 1850 |
William Bouguereau |
A Portrait of Leonie Bouguereau, 1850 |
William Bouguereau |
Amour a laffut ( Love on the Look Out) 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
Apres le bain (After the Bath) 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Apres le bain (After the Bath) 1894 |
William Bouguereau |
Au bord du ruisseau (At the Edge of the Brook) 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Avant le bain (Before the Bath) 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Baigneuse accroupie, Seated Bather.1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Baigneuse, Bather. 1870 |
William Bouguereau |
Berceuse, Lullaby. 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Bergere |
William Bouguereau |
Bergere 1886 |
William Bouguereau |
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque, Translated title: Gypsy Girl with a Basque Drum. 1867 |
William Bouguereau |
Bougueraeu William Meditation, Translated title: Waiting. 1902 |
William Bouguereau |
Bouguereau La danse, Translated title: The Dance. 1856 |
William Bouguereau |
Branche de laurier, Translated title: Laurel Branch. 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Brother and Sister, Translated title: The Two Sisters, 1877 |
William Bouguereau |
Calinerie, Translated title: A Little Coaxing, 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
Compassion, 1897 |
William Bouguereau |
Cupid and Psyche, Translated title: Flora and Zephyr, 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Dante et Virgile au Enfers, Translated title: Dante and Virgil in Hell. 1850 |
William Bouguereau |
Dear Bird. 1867 |
William Bouguereau |
Deux soeurs, Translated title: Two Sisters. 1901 |
William Bouguereau |
Douleur damour, Translated title: Elegy, 1899 |
William Bouguereau |
En penitence, Translated title: In Penitence. 1895 |
William Bouguereau |
Etude Tete de Jeune fille, Translated title: Study : head of a young girl. 1898 |
William Bouguereau |
Etude tete de petite fille tete de petite fille |
William Bouguereau |
Evening Mood |
William Bouguereau |
Faneuse, Translated title: The Haymaker. 1869 |
William Bouguereau |
Far Niente, 1904 |
William Bouguereau |
Fardeau agreable, Translated title: Not too Much to Carry. 1895 |
William Bouguereau |
Fileuse |
William Bouguereau |
Frere et Soeur |
William Bouguereau |
Frere et soeur bretons |
William Bouguereau |
Gabrielle Cot (Portrait of Gabrielle Cot). 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
Homere et son guide |
William Bouguereau |
Idylle enfantine |
William Bouguereau |
Inspiration |
William Bouguereau |
Irene |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune bergere 1868 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune bergere CA |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune fille allant a la fontaine, Young Girl Going to the Fountain, 1885 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune Fille et Enfant, Translated title: Little girl holding apples in her hands, 1895 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune fille se defendant contre lamour, Young Girl Defending herself against Cupid, 1880 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune italienne puisant de leau, Italian Girl Drawing Water, 1871 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeune ouvriere, Young Worker, 1869 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeunes bohemiennes, Young Gypsies, 1879 |
William Bouguereau |
Jeunesse, Youth. 1893 |
William Bouguereau |
Juene Fille Et Enfant (Mi Corps) |
William Bouguereau |
L Amour A L Epine |
William Bouguereau |
L Amour au Papillon ( Cupid with a Butterfly). 1888 |
William Bouguereau |
La bourrique oil on canvas |
William Bouguereau |
La brie du printemps |
William Bouguereau |
La Charity (Charity), 1859 |
William Bouguereau |
La Charity (Charity), 1878 |
William Bouguereau |
La couturiere, Translated title: Sewing, 1898 |
William Bouguereau |
La grappe de raisin |
William Bouguereau |
La Gue |
William Bouguereau |
La jeunesse de Bacchus (The Youth of Bacchus) center, 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
La jeunesse de Bacchus (The Youth of Bacchus) left, 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
La jeunesse de Bacchus (The Youth of Bacchus) right, 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
La jeunesse de Bacchus (The Youth of Bacchus), 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
La lecon difficile (The difficult lesson). 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
La madone aux roses (The Madonna of the Roses). 1903 |
William Bouguereau |
La Petite Mendiante, Translated title: The little beggar.1880 |
William Bouguereau |
La priere (The Prayer). 1865 |
William Bouguereau |
La soeur ainee ( Big sis'). 1886 |
William Bouguereau |
La soif (Thirst). 1886 |
William Bouguereau |
La tricoteuse (The Little Knitter).1882 |
William Bouguereau |
La vague (The Wave). 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
La Vierge a Lagneau (Virgin and Lamb).1903 |
William Bouguereau |
La Vierge au lys (The Virgin of the Lilies). 1899 |
William Bouguereau |
La_reverence (The curtsey). 1898 |
William Bouguereau |
Ladmiration |
William Bouguereau |
Lady Maxwell 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
L'âme parentale (The Motherland), 1883, (Alma Parens) |
William Bouguereau |
LAmour et Psyche enfants |
William Bouguereau |
LAmour mouille |
William Bouguereau |
Lamour senvole |
William Bouguereau |
Lart et la litterature |
William Bouguereau |
Lassaut |
William Bouguereau |
Laurore |
William Bouguereau |
Le captif |
William Bouguereau |
Le Crab |
William Bouguereau |
Le gouter |
William Bouguereau |
Le guepier |
William Bouguereau |
Le Jeune Bergere, Translated title: Lambs.1897 |
William Bouguereau |
Le jeune frere, Translated title: Little brother. 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Le jeune frere, Translated title: Little brother.1902 |
William Bouguereau |
Le jour des morts, Translated title: The Day of the Dead. 1859 |
William Bouguereau |
Le Jour, Translated title: Day. 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Le Lever, Translated title: Up You Go, 1871 |
William Bouguereau |
Le printemps, Translated title: Springtime, 1886 |
William Bouguereau |
Le repos, Translated title: Rest. 1879 |
William Bouguereau |
Le retour du marche, Translated title: Returned from the market. 1869 |
William Bouguereau |
Le secret, Translated title: The Secret, 1876 |
William Bouguereau |
Les deux baigneuses (The Two Bathers),.1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Les Jeunes Baigneuses |
William Bouguereau |
Les noisettes (Hazelnuts),1882 |
William Bouguereau |
Les pommes (Apples), 1897 |
William Bouguereau |
Les prunes, Translated title: Plums. 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
Letoile perdue, Translated title: The Lost Pleiad. 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Leveil du coeur, Translated title: The Heart's Awakening. 1892 |
William Bouguereau |
Linnocence, Translated title: Innocence. 1893 |
William Bouguereau |
Little beggars. 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
Loin du pays, Translated title: Far from home. 1867 |
William Bouguereau |
Lorage, Translated title: The Storm, 1874 |
William Bouguereau |
Madame la Comtesse de Cambaceres, Translated title: Madam the Countess of Cambaceres. 1895 |
William Bouguereau |
Madone assise, Translated title: The Seated Madonna. 1888 |
William Bouguereau |
Mailice |
William Bouguereau |
Marguerite, 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Mauvaise Ecoliere ( The Little Sulk). 1871 |
William Bouguereau |
Meditation 1885 NB |
William Bouguereau |
Modestie, Translated title: Modesty. 1902 |
William Bouguereau |
Moissoneuse, Translated title: The Harvester. 1868 |
William Bouguereau |
Notre Dame Des Anges, Translated title: Our Lady of the Angels.1889 |
William Bouguereau |
Nymphes et satyre, Translated title: Nymphs and Satyr. 1873 |
William Bouguereau |
Orestes Pursued by the Furies |
William Bouguereau |
Paquerettes, Translated title: Daisies. 1894 |
William Bouguereau |
Parure des champs right, Translated title: The Jewel of the Fields.1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Parure des champs, Translated title: The Jewel of the Fields. 1884 |
William Bouguereau |
Pastourelle, Translated title: Shepherdess. 1889 |
William Bouguereau |
Petite bergere, Translated title: Little Shepherdess. 1891 |
William Bouguereau |
Petite boudeuse, Translated title: The little sulk. 1888 |
William Bouguereau |
Petite fille au bouquet, Translated title: Little girl with a bouquet. 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
Petites maraudeuses, Translated title: Little Thieves. 1872 |
William Bouguereau |
Pieta 1876 |
William Bouguereau |
Portrait de lartiste, Translated title: Portrait of the Artist. 1879 |
William Bouguereau |
Portrait de Mademoiselle Elizabeth Gardner, 1879 |
William Bouguereau |
Portrait de Mlle Brissac, Translated title: Portrait of Miss Brissac. 1863 |
William Bouguereau |
Portrait of a young girl , 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
Portrait Of Madame Olry Roederer, 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Priestess, Young Priestess, 1902 |
William Bouguereau |
Psyche et LAmour, Translated title: Psyche and Cupid. 1889 |
William Bouguereau |
Psyche, Translated title: Psyche. 1892 |
William Bouguereau |
Reflexion, Translated title: Reflection, 1897 |
William Bouguereau |
Regina Angelorum, 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Retour des champs, Translated title: Returned from the fields. 1898 |
William Bouguereau |
Reve de printemps |
William Bouguereau |
Reverie, Translated title: Revery. 1894 |
William Bouguereau |
Sainte Famille (The Holy Family). 1863 |
William Bouguereau |
Slumber, Translated title: Asleep at last, 1864 |
William Bouguereau |
Song of the Angels, Translated title: The Virgin with Angels. 1881 |
William Bouguereau |
Soul Carried to Heaven (A Soul in Heaven), 1878 |
William Bouguereau |
Sur la greve, Translated title: On the Rocky Beach.1896 |
William Bouguereau |
The Abduction of Psyche (Le ravissement de Psyche), 1895 |
William Bouguereau |
The Bohemian, Alternative title: The Gipsy Girl. 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
The First Mourning. 1888 |
William Bouguereau |
The Flagellation of Christ |
William Bouguereau |
The Knitting Girl |
William Bouguereau |
The Little Marauder 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
The Nymphaeum |
William Bouguereau |
The Pastoral Recreation, 1868 |
William Bouguereau |
The Return from the Harvest, Translated title: Donkey Ride.1878 |
William Bouguereau |
The Shell |
William Bouguereau |
The Shepherdess 1873 |
William Bouguereau |
The Thank Offering, Translated title: The Vow. 1867 |
William Bouguereau |
Translated title: The Broken Pitcher, 1891 |
William Bouguereau |
Translated title: The Virgin, Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist.1881 |
William Bouguereau |
Translated title: The Virgin, the Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist. 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Tricoteuse (The Little Knitter). 1879 |
William Bouguereau |
Un Moment Repos (A moment's rest), 1900 |
William Bouguereau |
Une Vocation ( A calling). 1890 |
William Bouguereau |
Une Vocation (A calling). 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
Vendangeuse (The Grape Picker), 1875 |
William Bouguereau |
Vierge consolatrice |
William Bouguereau |
William Portrait Of Genevieve Celine Eldest Dau |
William Bouguereau |
Work Interrupted. 1891 |
William Bouguereau |
Young Woman Contemplating Two Embracing Children |
William Bouguereau |
Yvonette, 1867 |
William Bouguereau |
Yvonne, 1896 |
William Bouguereau |
Zenobia Found by Shepherds |
Artist: Paul Cézanne |
Painting Name |
Paul Cézanne |
A Modern Olympia |
Paul Cézanne |
A Turn in the Road at La Roche-Guyon |
Paul Cézanne |
Apples, Peaches, Pears, and Grapes |
Paul Cézanne |
Bathers |
Paul Cézanne |
Bathers at Rest (Les baigneurs au repos) |
Paul Cézanne |
Bend in Forest Road (Route tournante en sous-bois) |
Paul Cézanne |
Bend in Road |
Paul Cézanne |
Bibemus Quarry (Carriere de Bibemus) |
Paul Cézanne |
Bibemus Quarry (La Carriere Bibemus) |
Paul Cézanne |
Bibemus: The Red Rock (Bibemus: le rocher rouge) |
Paul Cézanne |
Big Bathers |
Paul Cézanne |
Boy in a Red Vest (Garcon au gilet rouge) |
Paul Cézanne |
Boy with Skull (Jeune homme a la tete de mort) |
Paul Cézanne |
Card Players |
Paul Cézanne |
Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Child with Straw Hat |
Paul Cézanne |
Chocquet Seated |
Paul Cézanne |
Corner of Quarry |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC007 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC072 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC082 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC083 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC084 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC086 |
Paul Cézanne |
DarPC119 |
Paul Cézanne |
Etude: Paysage a Auvers (Study: Landscape at Auvers) |
Paul Cézanne |
Foliage |
Paul Cézanne |
Gardanne |
Paul Cézanne |
Gardanne |
Paul Cézanne |
Ginger Jar and Fruit (Le vase paille) |
Paul Cézanne |
Hortense Fiquet in a Striped Skirt |
Paul Cézanne |
House and Farm at Jas de Bouffan (Maison et ferme du Jas de Bouffan) |
Paul Cézanne |
House and Trees |
Paul Cézanne |
Houses Along a Road (Maisons au bord d'une route) |
Paul Cézanne |
Houses on the Hill (River Bank) |
Paul Cézanne |
Jas de Buffan, The Pool |
Paul Cézanne |
Joachim Gasquet |
Paul Cézanne |
Lake Annecy |
Paul Cézanne |
Large Bathers |
Paul Cézanne |
Large Bathers |
Paul Cézanne |
Large Bathers, DETAIL OF Three Central Bathers |
Paul Cézanne |
Le Cabanon de Jourdan |
Paul Cézanne |
Le Cabanon de Jourdan |
Paul Cézanne |
Le vase bleu (The Blue Vase) |
Paul Cézanne |
Madame Cézanne |
Paul Cézanne |
Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair |
Paul Cézanne |
Madame Cézanne in Blue (Madame Cézanne en bleu) |
Paul Cézanne |
Madame Cézanne with Unbound Hair |
Paul Cézanne |
Maison Maria with a View of Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Man in a Room |
Paul Cézanne |
Man with Crossed Arms |
Paul Cézanne |
Mont Sainte-Victoire |
Paul Cézanne |
Mont Sainte-Victoire and Chateau Noir |
Paul Cézanne |
Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen from Les Lauves |
Paul Cézanne |
Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen from Les Lauves |
Paul Cézanne |
Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen from Les Lauves (Le Mont Sainte-Victoire vu des Lauves) |
Paul Cézanne |
Morning in Provence (Sous-Bois Provencal) |
Paul Cézanne |
Mount Sainte-Victoire |
Paul Cézanne |
Mount Sainte-Victoire |
Paul Cézanne |
Mount Sainte-Victoire Seen from Bellevue |
Paul Cézanne |
Mountains in Provence (Montagnes en Provence) |
Paul Cézanne |
Peasant (Le paysan) |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of a Woman (in a Striped Dress). |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of a Woman in Green Hat (Mme Cézanne). |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Chocquet |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Gustave Geffroy |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Henri Gasquet |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Louis-Auguste Cézanne, the Artist's Father |
Paul Cézanne |
Portrait of Vallier |
Paul Cézanne |
Pyramid of Skulls |
Paul Cézanne |
Riverbanks (Bords d'une riveire) |
Paul Cézanne |
Road at Chantilly |
Paul Cézanne |
Seated Peasant |
Paul Cézanne |
Self-Portrait |
Paul Cézanne |
Self-Portrait |
Paul Cézanne |
Self-Portrait with Palette |
Paul Cézanne |
Self-Portrait with Rose Background |
Paul Cézanne |
Self-Portrait with Soft Hat |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Apples |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Apples |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Apples |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Apples and Oranges |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Apples, a Bottle, and a Milk Pot |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Carafe, Sugar Bowl, Bottle, Pomegranates, and Watermelon |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Commode |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Compotier |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher (Nature morteavec rideau et pichet fleuri) |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Flower Holder |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Fruit, Pitcher and Fruit-Vase |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Green Melon |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Onions and Bottle |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Peppermint Bottle |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Plaster Cupid |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Plate of Cherries |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Skull (Nature morte au crane) |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life with Watermelon and Pomegranates |
Paul Cézanne |
Still Life: Apples, Bottle and Chairback |
Paul Cézanne |
Table Corner |
Paul Cézanne |
The Abduction |
Paul Cézanne |
The Bather |
Paul Cézanne |
The Bay from L'Estaque |
Paul Cézanne |
The Card Players |
Paul Cézanne |
The Cistern in the Park at Chateau Noir (La Citerne dans leparc de Chateau Noir) |
Paul Cézanne |
The Drinker |
Paul Cézanne |
The Garden at Les Lauves |
Paul Cézanne |
The Garden Terrace at Les Lauves |
Paul Cézanne |
The Great Pine |
Paul Cézanne |
The Great Pine |
Paul Cézanne |
The Hanged Man's House |
Paul Cézanne |
The House with Cracked Walls |
Paul Cézanne |
The Mount of St.Victoria (La Montagne Sainte-Victoire). |
Paul Cézanne |
The Mount Sainte-Victoire |
Paul Cézanne |
Turning Road at Montgeroult |
Paul Cézanne |
Vase with Flowers. Chrysanthemums |
Paul Cézanne |
Well: Millstone and Cistern Under Trees |
Paul Cézanne |
Woman Seated in Blue |
Paul Cézanne |
Woods with Millstone |
Paul Cézanne |
Young Italian Girl Resting on Her Elbow |
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painting you want.
Artists Last name: A-C