Oil Painting Catalog |
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence |
Bierstadt, Albert |
Bouguereau, William |
Canaletto |
Cassatt, Mary |
Cézanne, Paul |
JL |
Degas, Edgar |
Gauguin, Paul |
Godward, John W. |
Klimt, Gustav |
Edmund Blair |
Leighton, Lord Frederic |
Manet, Edouard |
Monet, Claude |
Moran, Thomas |
Pissarro, Camille |
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste |
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel |
Russell, Charles M. |
Sargent, John Singer |
Sisley, Alfred |
Toulouse-Lautrec, H |
Van Gogh, Vincent |
Vermeer, Johannes |
Waterhouse, John W |
Winterhalter, Franz Xavier |
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Oil Painting Catalog
In this Oil Painting Catalog, we listed more than 3000 of the world's most famous and beloved art works.
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Each painting is hand-painted and the quality is equivalent to the
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"famous art" which heretofore was a privilege given to a few.
All our reproductions and portraits are painted
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life-like paintings of the original masterpieces. We do
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and the price is very affordable.
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1836-1912) |
Bierstadt, Albert (Albert Bierstadt 1830 - 1902) |
Bouguereau, William (William Bouguereau 1825-1905) |
Cassatt, Mary (Mary Cassatt 1845-1926) |
Cézanne, Paul (Paul Cézanne 1839-1906) |
Jacques-Louis (Jacques-Louis David 1748-1825) |
Degas, Edgar (Edgar Degas 1834-1917) |
Gauguin, Paul (Paul Gauguin 1848-1903) |
Godward, John William (John William Godward 1861-1922) |
Klimt, Gustav (Gustav Klimt 1862-1918) |
Edmund Blair (Edmund Blair Leighton 1853 - 1922) |
Leighton, Lord Frederic (Lord Frederic Leighton 1830-1896) |
Manet, Edouard (Edouard Manet 1832-1883) |
Monet, Claude (Claude Monet 1840-1926) |
Moran, Thomas (Thomas Moran 1837-1926) |
Pissarro, Camille (Camille Pissarro 1830-1903) |
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919) |
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882) |
Russell, Charles M. (Charles M. Russell 1864-1926) |
Sargent, John Singer (John Singer Sargent 1856-1925) |
Sisley, Alfred (Alfred Sisley 1839-1899) |
Van Gogh, Vincent (Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890) |
Vermeer, Johannes (Johannes Vermeer 1632-1675) |
Waterhouse, John William (John William Waterhouse 1849-1917) |
Winterhalter, Franz Xavier (Franz Xavier Winterhalter 1805 - 1873) |